Breakthrough by clearing limiting beliefs!

Limiting beliefs keep us stuck and stagnant. These old, outdated beliefs keep us playing small and prevent us from reaching our full potential. Sometimes, we don’t even realize that we have lingering limiting beliefs from childhood, work environments, or friends that continue to sabotage our success.

To reach new heights, you must take action and clear the beliefs that are no longer serving you. Then, replace them with new empowering beliefs. In the first column below are some limiting beliefs that we see stopping people. In the second column, we’ve replaced them with new empowering beliefs to help you move forward.

Limiting Beliefs

1. I must struggle in order to make money.

2. I must obtain material things to be perceived as successful.

3. Other people are smarter than me.

4. Everyone will find out that I’m an impostor.

5. I will never find anyone who loves me for me.

6. I’m too old or young.

7. I don’t have the time.

8. I will be rejected, if I ask for what I want.

9. I’ll never be successful, so there is no use trying.

10. I’m a lazy person.

11. I’m too shy and quiet to be successful.

12. No one will listen to me.

13. I’m not an expert.

14. I’ve failed so many times, so I might as well quit.

15. I didn’t come from money, so there is no way that I can create wealth.

16. I need money to create a successful business.

17. I’ve been dealt a bad set of cards in life, and there is no way that I can overcome my challenges.

18. My significant other will leave me if I become successful.

19. I’m just not the type of person to…

20. My friends will abandon me, if I go after my dreams.

Empowering Beliefs

1. Money flows to me effortlessly and easily for providing value to others.

2. Success is my divine right. Material things are not necessary.

3. I possess the knowledge, wisdom, and talent that I need to create my dreams. If I don’t know something, I’m humble enough to ask someone else for the information that I need.

4. I am authentic and valuable. I belong here.

5. I love myself. I attract someone who loves me for me.

6. My time is now.

7. I make time for what is important to me. I learn to leverage the support of a team to create my vision.

8. Each rejection puts me one step closer to a yes. I am always deserving.

9. Success is my birthright. I create my reality.

10. I put my energy into what matters the most for me.

11. My presence alone speaks volumes. I impact others in a way that feels right for my personality.

12. I have important things to say to impact this world. I put my thoughts out there no matter what.

13. I have all of the expertise that I need to create. I’m committed to continuous learning and growth.

14. I have grown from each and every failure. I’m in the best position ever to cultivate success.

15. I create wealth and abundance from what I have to work with.

16. The funds that I need to create my business show up when I need them. I learn to use my energy and time to barter and trade for services when I need to.

17. Where I have been will not predict where I am going. I use adversity as fuel to move forward in a positive direction.

18. I only accept a partner who is supportive and proud when I’m living my best life.

19. I’m the type of person who takes on new challenges and lives their dreams everyday.

20. I have a supportive tribe of friends and mentors who help me create my dreams.